Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Building of new home started

Dear Friends
By God's grace we could finally start with the building of the new Moreson Children Haven, in place of the one that burned down. After months of much planning we are so grateful to our Lord Jesus Christ that finally we could start building the new home.
One of the very first miracles God did was to lay it on an architect's heart to help us draw up the plans for the new home. Please see the proposed front and back elevation pictures of how the new building most probably will look like.
We plan to do most of the construction ourselves, since labour is big factor which could well be up to 45% to 50% of the cost of the whole project. God in His grace send us a brother in Christ from Kwasizabantu Mission in Natal to help us with advise on the construction. "Uncle" Jack Terblanche is an elderly gentleman with many years of experience in the construction industry.
One of the first challenges that we faced was the fact the ground had a slope of at least 1,6 meters from the highest to the lowest point. We had one of two options, fill up the slope and have a house that is situated high above the ground, or excavate the ground and incorporate a basement level. The second option seemed to be the better choice of the two. We started excavating last week Wednesday and it seems as if we will finish by Wednesday 29 July.
Our second challenge that we faced was the discovery that underneath the ground we had a solid clay bank. For any building clay is one of the biggest enemies since it creates movement in the ground when it expands or shrinks. This causes a house to crack. The way to overcome this is to do a specialized foundation with sand underneath the foundations and the foundations re-enforced with steel. Luckily uncle Jack could help us with sound advise and planning.
Please continue to pray for us we continue, we are thankful for God's blessings in the whole project thus far.

1 comment:

  1. Greetings Gerhard...wonderful details of your mission house build up. We pray that God will bless you and guide you as you do His will. May this new house be a "light house" to all the community. Blessings, Steve
