In a previous post we described how we need to insert a water drainage system to keep water from the foundations of the basement. This work continued yesterday Friday 4 September. As you know our labour force consist of people that come for help. We have found that the work is a very good way to help rebuilding their health, since most of them come from a drug background and really destroy their health through this habit. We also found that the work is a good way of determining whether someone is serious about changing his life. In the past few days many left the mission and we were really short of labour. On Friday only two of us, a young man and myself, were left and we had to move stones into the drainage ditch. While we were progressing at a very slow rate, suddenly the children came and asked if they can help. God really worked wonders through them and at lunch time we were greatful to God that we could have completed the work. So many times God meets us at that point were we don't have the answer anymore. When we are at the end of ourselves, then God can work and reveal Himself.

Great truth Gerhard...Thank you for taking the time in the midst of your busy schedule to share a reminder of God's provision and His truth. We are so thankful to hear and see that you are helping those that have not been able to help themselves and that your dear children sense the leading of the Holy Spirit and then obey. What a Blessing!!!